Melling Select Performance
Part #: 291001
MEL291001 Hyd. Roller Lifter
pdm:Roller: Yespdm:Lifter Type: Hydraulicpdm:internal_sku: MEL291001pdm:Material: Forged Chrome Alloy Steel Bodypdm:Grade Type: Performancepdm:line_code: MELWas:$518.98$499.50 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: SB817RF16
MELSB817RF16 Hyd. Roller Lifter
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Maximum Outside Diameter: 21.0 MMpdm:Material: High Alloy Steelpdm:Roller: Yespdm:line_code: MELpdm:internal_sku: MELSB817RF16pdm:Title: High Performance Hydraulic Roller Lifterpdm:Lifter Type: Hydraulic$806.62 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: MTP-1
MELMTP-1 Camshaft
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Advertised Exhaust Duration: 288.0 DDpdm:Computer Controlled Compatible: Nopdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 0.443 INpdm:Exhaust Duration at .050 inch Lift: 214.0 DDpdm:Advertised Intake Duration: 278.0 DDpdm:Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift: 204.0 DDpdm:Lifter Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappetpdm:Cam Type: Hydraulicpdm:Intake Valve Lift: 0.421 INpdm:Intake Valve Lift: 10.70 MMpdm:Lobe Separation: 112.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 11.25 MMpdm:internal_sku: MELMTP-1pdm:line_code: MELpdm:Title: High Performance Camshaft$167.43 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: MTC-8
MELMTC-8 Camshaft
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Cam Type: Hydraulicpdm:Advertised Intake Duration: 274.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Duration at .050 inch Lift: 218.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 0.529 INpdm:Intake Valve Lift: 0.522 INpdm:Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift: 212.0 DDpdm:Advertised Exhaust Duration: 280.0 DDpdm:Computer Controlled Compatible: Nopdm:Intake Valve Lift: 13.25 MMpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 13.45 MMpdm:Lobe Separation: 114.0 DDpdm:internal_sku: MELMTC-8pdm:Lifter Type: Hydraulic Rollerpdm:Title: High Performance Camshaftpdm:line_code: MEL$350.11 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: MTA-1
MELMTA-1 Camshaft
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Advertised Intake Duration: 280.0 DDpdm:Advertised Exhaust Duration: 289.0 DDpdm:Computer Controlled Compatible: Nopdm:Cam Type: Hydraulicpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 0.473 INpdm:Lifter Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappetpdm:Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift: 204.0 DDpdm:Lobe Separation: 107.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 12.00 MMpdm:Intake Valve Lift: 0.449 INpdm:Exhaust Duration at .050 inch Lift: 214.0 DDpdm:internal_sku: MELMTA-1pdm:line_code: MELpdm:Intake Valve Lift: 11.40 MMpdm:Title: High Performance Camshaft$183.59 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: 5556F
MEL5556F Pressure Spring
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Grade Type: Performancepdm:Material: Steelpdm:internal_sku: MEL5556Fpdm:Title: Oil Pump Pressure Relief Valve Springpdm:line_code: MELpdm:Spring Force: 55.0 PS$6.98 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: 40400
MEL40400 3 Piece Set
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Keyway Adjustable: Yespdm:Sprockets Included: Yespdm:line_code: MELpdm:internal_sku: MEL40400pdm:Maximum Advance At Camshaft: 2.0 DDpdm:Maximum Retard At Camshaft: 2.0 DDpdm:Title: High Performance-3 piece Setpdm:Timing Chain Type: Double Rollerpdm:Camshaft Sprocket Material: Cast Iron$72.51 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: 23204
MEL23204 Camshaft
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Computer Controlled Compatible: Nopdm:Advertised Intake Duration: 288.0 DDpdm:Intake Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 1.5 INpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 1.5 INpdm:Exhaust Duration at .050 inch Lift: 224.0 DDpdm:Cam Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappetpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 0.452 INpdm:Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift: 214.0 DDpdm:Advertised Exhaust Duration: 298.0 DDpdm:Lobe Separation: 112.0 DDpdm:internal_sku: MEL23204pdm:line_code: MELpdm:Lifter Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappetpdm:Intake Valve Lift: 0.443 INpdm:Title: High Performance Camshaft$197.38 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: 23203
MEL23203 Camshaft
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Advertised Exhaust Duration: 298.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 1.5 INpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 0.466 INpdm:Cam Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappetpdm:Computer Controlled Compatible: Nopdm:Advertised Intake Duration: 288.0 DDpdm:Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift: 214.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Duration at .050 inch Lift: 224.0 DDpdm:Intake Valve Lift: 0.444 INpdm:Intake Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 1.5 INpdm:Title: High Performance Camshaftpdm:Lifter Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappetpdm:Lobe Separation: 112.0 DDpdm:line_code: MELpdm:internal_sku: MEL23203$200.06 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: 22401
MEL22401 Camshaft
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Advertised Exhaust Duration: 328.0 DDpdm:internal_sku: MEL22401pdm:line_code: MELpdm:Intake Valve Lift: 0.508 INpdm:Lifter Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappetpdm:Advertised Intake Duration: 313.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 0.533 INpdm:Computer Controlled Compatible: Nopdm:Exhaust Duration at .050 inch Lift: 254.0 DDpdm:Title: High Performance Camshaftpdm:Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift: 244.0 DDpdm:Cam Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappetpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 1.5 INpdm:Lobe Separation: 112.0 DDpdm:Intake Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 1.5 IN$183.59 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: 22396
MEL22396 Camshaft
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Cam Type: Mechanical Flat Tappetpdm:Computer Controlled Compatible: Nopdm:Advertised Intake Duration: 310.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Duration at .050 inch Lift: 242.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 1.7 INpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 0.52 INpdm:Advertised Exhaust Duration: 297.0 DDpdm:Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift: 242.0 DDpdm:Intake Valve Lift: 0.52 INpdm:Lifter Type: Solid Flat Tappetpdm:Intake Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 1.7 INpdm:Title: High Performance Camshaftpdm:line_code: MELpdm:internal_sku: MEL22396pdm:Lobe Separation: 114.0 DD$169.46 -
Melling Select Performance
Part #: 22301
MEL22301 Camshaft
Engine Make: Melling Engine Partspdm:Computer Controlled Compatible: Nopdm:Exhaust Valve Lift: 0.48 INpdm:Advertised Exhaust Duration: 288.0 DDpdm:Cam Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappetpdm:Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift: 232.0 DDpdm:Intake Valve Lift: 0.48 INpdm:Advertised Intake Duration: 288.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Duration at .050 inch Lift: 232.0 DDpdm:Exhaust Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 1.5 INpdm:Intake Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 1.5 INpdm:Lifter Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappetpdm:Title: High Performance Camshaftpdm:line_code: MELpdm:internal_sku: MEL22301pdm:Lobe Separation: 108.0 DD$139.73